In March of 2014 several
members of the Jumpin’ Spirits and several other members of St. Thomas went to Nicaragua with SchoolBox
(click here for info about
SchoolBOX). It was an amazing opportunity for the youth to help children in need and experience life in another
country outside North America. For some, it was an amazing, life changing trip. The youth helped with a school build
but also had an opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture of Nicaragua.
We are the Jumpin’ Spirits –
the St. Thomas active and lively youth group with kids from Grade 5 through 12.
Here’s an example of the types of activities we do:
Ø Hosting Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper (think pancake batter, syrup
teenagers – yum!)
Ø Hosting coffee hour at St. Thomas – after baking some treats to
serve (more FOOD!)
Ø Participate in city wide youth activities such as
coffee houses (see
pictures), attending
Christian concerts, and other activities
Ø End of year weekend at Reverend Jane's cottage (think swimming,
tubing, eating,
badminton, S'mores...)
Ø Special trip to Nicaragua in March 2014 with SchoolBox
The youth are also involved within the parish as servers, nursery
helpers, Sunday school helpers, readers etc. There are many opportunities
for learning, participation, volunteer hours and lots of FUN (did I mention
We would love to have more youth join our group. If you would like more
information please contact Naomi Watson-Laird 613-836-6706 or Susan Smith 613-838-4085.
The Youth Group went apple
picking on Sunday, Sept 25th, 2016 and then came back to St Thomas to make
apple crisp. You can see more pictures of the day by clicking
The Jumpin' Spirits hosted the
St Thomas Open Table Community Meal on Jan 9, 2016
It was delicious!
St Thomas Christmas Pageant 2012
On Dec. 23rd, following the lighting of the Advent wreath, we were treated
to a visit from St. Nicholas followed by pageant that truly conveyed the
message of the season. It was called "A Simple Pageant" by Cindy Sterling
and Sheldon Curry, adapted by Naomi Watson-Laird and Merilee Clarke. It
featured the various groups of children and youth within the congregation.
We are grateful to all who were involved and worked so hard to put this on.
We will cherish the memories.
At the Easter Service on April 8, 2012, the Youth Group presented an
excellent short play about the Resurrection.
Following are some pictures from that play: