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2018-12-16 The St Thomas Pageant was wonderful. There are 10 photos of the Pageant plus a beautiful solo by
2018-12-06 Two of the St Thomas trees have been removed. They were at the front of the church on Carleton
Cathcart Street. They were both turning brown this past summer and needed to be removed. Thanks to Pat
McNally for the pictures. (4 photos)
presentation made today at the Frederick Banting Alternative High School on Main Street. It was a total of 80
requested gifts which were collected on Dec. 2nd at St. Thomas, as a new outreach venture with the
school. Left to right…Bonnie McNally, Steve Kauk, Mary Passmore and Lucy Greenman.
(1 photo)
2018-12-01 St Thomas Float in Parade of Lights. (1 photo)
2018-11-18 St Thomas First Responders Service (2 photos)
St Thomas Remembrance Day Service including ringing of the church bell 100 times at sundown in remembrance of the
100th anniversary of the end of World War 1
(4 photos)
2018-11-17 St Thomas Snowflake Bazaar
(5 photos)
2018-10-28 Brooke Sullivan's wonderful talk about her trip to Ecuador.
(1 photo)
2018-10-21 The 'A Choired Afternoon' concert yesterday was wonderful. This is a picture of all the choirs singing
'This Little Light of Mine' and 'The Irish Blessing'.
Click on this picture to see a much larger image of the
The Main Street Stairs replacement is complete. This is a picture as of September 27th. Click on the picture to
see more of pictures of the work in process.
Thanks to Pat McNally for all these pictures.
Brooke Sullivan has been working in Ecuador helping to build and paint
houses for needy families. Click on this picture to see all of
Brooke's pictures. When you get into the album of 14 pictures, click
on the first picture to see a large version of it. Click on the number
'1' at the bottom right of the photo to see Brooke's comment about the
Our new Facilities Manager in training.
He is Linden - Bonnie & Pat's grandson.
(just this 1 photo).
Our St Thomas Wardens, Pat McNally & William Passmore welcome Rev. Lee
Lambert during the welcome celebration after Rev. Lee's first wonderful
service with us on Aug 5, 2018.
Created and painted by Merilee Clarke, the God's Garden children and their
parents over a 5 year period.
It is soon to be replaced by a new
2018-07-29 Goodbye to Canon Young
(4 photos compliments of Pat McNally)
2018-06-17 Don Gillen's Retirement Celebration (14 photos)
2018-06-10 St Thomas Cemetery Service lead by Canon Roger Young. (8 photos)
2018-06-05 EfM (Education for Ministry) Graduation Service. The
graduates included Shirley Chennette and Gillian Mattock.
(3 photos)
2018-05-27 A wonderful celebration of Rev. Jane's retirement (20
There also recordings of most of the hymns and songs that were sung at
Jane's retirement service. These can be listened to from a link on the
Parish Communications page. (20 photos)
2018-04-29 Fish Fry Dinner (8 photos)
2018-05-06 Spring Cleanup Lunch (1 photo)
2018-05-06 Celebration of Canon Michael & Pastor Sharron (18 photos)
Donations were collected and $500 was donated to the Stittsville Food Bank
in honour of Canon Michael and Pastor Sharron.
2018-04-29 Celebration of the retirement of Liz Norris (5 photos)
2018-03-30 Good Friday Procession of the Cross (4 photos)
2018-03-25 Palm Sunday (2 photos)
2018-02-24 A St. Thomas outreach venture to support the 1km to 10km walk -
the Coldest Night of the Year – annual fundraiser for the Western Ottawa
Community Resource Centre to directly benefit Chrysalis House in Kanata.
Bonnie and Victoria prepared & Bonnie served a chili dinner to over 100
participants and volunteers. (2 photos)
2018-02-18 St Thomas welcomed a new member to its choir. She is
the 3rd person from the right. You might recognize her. (1 photo)
2018-02-11 The St Thomas Evensong service with the Ottawa Anglican Chorale (4 pictures),
plus a wonderful video of the Anglican Chorale singing the anthem 'O Clap
Your Hands' by Orlando Gibbons. Thanks to Patricia Brush for creating
this video and to Pat McNally and Sue Lomas for taking the pictures.