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slide show or video.
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2017-12-24 Christmas Eve at St Thomas - Children's Talk (11 photos + 1 video
of the children playing the percussion instruments during the recessional
hymn - Joy to the World)
2017-12-17 St Thomas Christmas Pageant
(20 photos)
2017-12-08 Stairwell Carollers Concert at St Thomas. (9 photos)
St Thomas provided free hot chocolate with marshmallows and candy canes to
the crowd at the Parade of Lights on December 2nd 2017. We gave away 315
cups of hot chocolate.
(10 photos)
The St Thomas creche was ready for the Stittsville Parade of Lights.
Many thanks to Judy and Dave Dallaway for all their hard work. (2 photos)
2017-11-18 This year's Snowflake Bazaar was wonderful. It had lots of
customers and lots of help from our parish members. And the luncheon
was delicious and very busy.
(33 photos)
A Choired Afternoon 2017-10-29.
Our concert with 6 choirs. This picture shows all 6 choirs singing
together. It was amazing! A few more pictures can be seen by clicking
on this picture. (14 photos and an audio file of the massed
choir singing Irish Blessing.)
2017-10-02 The St Thomas Blessing of the Animals Service. There was 1
cat, about 4 dogs and 1 tiny lizard type animal)
(8 photos)
2017-09-16 The Annual Altar Guild Meeting which was held at Christ Church
Cathedral. The St Thomas attendees were Pat Dalphy, Mary Attwell, Tanya Drew
and Marlyn Powell.
(4 pictures)
2017-09-10 Annual St Thomas Picnic
(7 photos)
2017-09-09 Open Table Community Meal
(3 photos)
2017-08-26 St Thomas Corn Roast Supper - a delicious dinner and a well
attended event.
(2 photos)
2017-07-22 Pat Dalphy's (aka Super Woman's) Birthday/Farewell Party
2017-06-25 Cornerstone's song 'We Believe'
(click on the picture to listen to the song).
2017-06-18 Merilee doing an excellent job with the Children's talk. (just
this one photo).
The St Thomas Cemetery Service was well attended and had great weather,
albeit a bit windy. (just this one photo)
2017-05-20 The St Thomas ACW Fundrive for Value Village was very successful.
They collected 3022 pounds of "stuff" that filled 3 trailers and 7 carloads.
Thanks to Diane Clement and her helpers.
2017-05-15 The St Thomas Gardens are looking wonderful thanks to
Hilary Shouldice and her team, Pam & Dave Hazen, and Bob Lomas.
And the grass has been looked after with a lot of work by Bob Lomas and
St Thomas had a surprise visit from about 35 people who were walking from
Kitchener to Ottawa as the Pilgrimage for Indigenous Rights. They asked us
if they could stop at St Thomas to have their lunch and they were welcomed
by Liz.
More information about their pilgrimage can be viewed by clicking
(3 photos)
St Thomas Annual Fish Fry Dinner May 7, 2017 (7 photos)
2017-04-16 Christ is Risen! Alleluia!
(1 photo)
2017-04-14 Procession of the Cross
(7 pictures)
2017-04-09 Palm Sunday (29 pictures)
2017-04-07 The St Thomas ladies making palm crosses for Palm Sunday. (2