Church Services
Sunday Service starts at 9:30 am. A video of the service is also available
online a few hours after the service ends, on our web site, Facebook and YouTube.
Christian Education
"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness."
Matthew 9:35
Christians need to learn all through life. That is why our Christian education
programs are geared to all age groups.
The bright and cheerful space just inside our front doors, allows infants and
toddlers up to three years old to play and interact. This can be used at any
time during the service. Parents can hear the service through a speaker in the
Garden (formerly known as Church School)
The God’s Garden program is designed to activate faith in children ages
3 through 12. All are welcome in God’s Garden, which presently begins
at 9:30 in the Rainbow Room.
It’s innovative and intuitive. The program is Bible-centered following
the liturgy the parents are hearing in church, and encourages kids to open their
bibles and explore God’s Word through a variety of age-appropriate activities
designed to accommodate all of the differentways children learn.
We are so fortunate to have Merilee Clarke planning our children’s activities
on Sunday mornings. Her wealth of experience brings vitality to the Church
School programme, God’s Garden. Registration forms are in the church foyer as well as in the
Downstairs Rainbow Room. See Merilee Clarke for more information or call her
at613-591-9351 or email her at
Family Faith Activity
Our ‘FAMILY FAITH” Activity begins when the 10:30 services begin again sometime
in the fall.
Between 10:00 and 10:20 the whole family is invited to participate in a special
time called Family Faith Time. Each week will be a different activity such as;
games, painting, cooking, crafts and singing- with the family all together! This
joyous time is an integral part of God’s Garden
– a celebration of the family growing together in faith. At 10:30 the children
will gather at the altar for their Children’s Talk and then go off to
classes. They will return just before communion.
At Home Activities: Merilee also prepares anonline program with Activities for
Children to follow at home each week. These activities can be accessed from the
Parish Communications page or by clicking
She also prepares a weekly God's Garden video
that includes the Children’s Talk, how to do the crafts and learning prayers and
songs together. This can be accessed from the same link as well as Facebook and YouTube.
you live in the Stittsville area and if you wish to receive the arts and crafts
supplies each week, the Men’s Group have volunteered to deliver them to you.
Call or text Merilee to set it up at 613-591-9351
Senior Choir
Senior Choir, under the direction of Bonnie MacDiarmid, helps to make our Sunday services
The choir has their practice on Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Cornerstone Choir
The Cornerstone Choir, under the
direction of Mary Passmore is a
contemporary praise group, which sings at the 4th Sunday of the month at the 9.30
am Service. They do not sing during the summer months.
Cornerstone practices on Tuesdays at
6:30 PM. However they do not have a practice during the summer months.
Adult Education
A high priority is placed on Adult Education. Education for adults includes preaching and regularly offered programs on various topics pertinent to Christian life and discipleship.
Home Bible Study
A group of parishioners meets on
Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm to study the Bible. At the
beginning of each year, the group selects a Bible Study Booklet to guide us
through our study. The study is open to anyone who would like to join us.
Pastoral Care "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers --not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be".
1 Peter 5:2
Caring for the pastoral and spiritual needs of our community is critical to the well-being of our parish. Our rector, along with our pastoral care team, minister to people in crisis whether it be illness or some other troubling experience.
Activities include:
Pastoral counselling
Spiritual help and guidance
Prayer through support of the prayer chain
Home Communion for those unable to attend Sunday worship services
Hospital visits, cards, and notes to seniors and shut-ins
Baptism and Marriage preparation
Funeral planning, funeral services, and bereavement visits, funeral reception
If you would like to speak to the rector about any pastoral care needs, please call the church office at 613-836-5741.
Parish Family
Ultimately, we believe St. Thomas is a family of Christian disciples. The many groups, activities and events that we are involved
in shape our communal life.
From the ACW to the monthly Community Supper, we believe that we are a parish family rooted in faith and committed to the call of the gospel.
Some of our fellowship activities include:
Coffee hour: An opportunity to share coffee and conversation after the
9:30 service.
Anglican Church Women (ACW): This active group of women meet on the first Monday of each month for learning, mission, outreach, and fellowship. All are welcome.
Pancake Supper: On Shrove Tuesday, the youth of the church pitch in to prepare and serve a hearty pancake supper, to mark the beginning of the Lenten season.
Parish Picnic: At the end of June, the sun always shines for our parish picnic. The picnic is an all age social event that marks the end of the Church School year and celebrates the arrival of summer. Barbecued hot dogs, and games for the children, all outside on the church lawn.
Open Table Community Supper
on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 4:30 (except July & August)